
Nature of dispute

Individuals may face issues in the course of their employment. Disputes could arise over paid leave, overtime pay, medical benefits and bonuses, or issues over employment rights and terms of employment such as unfair dismissal, maternity or age-related dismissal, denial of re-employment and other workplace grievances.

    How can we help

    • Mediation

      Mediation is a voluntary process where a neutral third-party, the mediator, facilitates the disputants’ negotiation process for a private and amicable settlement.

      One of the benefits of mediating personal injury disputes is that it allows for multi-party mediations. Where liability may be attributable to more than one party or where the defendant is insured, mediation can serve to allow parties to arrive at a global settlement.

      For such disputes, parties can mediate under SMC’s Mediation Procedure.


      Parties pay the mediation fees below for the Mediation Procedure.

      (FOR DISPUTES UP TO $60,000)
      A non-refundable filing fee of $27.25

      is to be borne by each party, applicable to all mediations administered by the Singapore Mediation Centre.

      Sum in dispute Mediation fees Hourly rate
      Up to $20,000 $218.00 $54.50
      Above $20,000 and up to $40,000 $305.20 $76.30
      Above $40,000 and up to $60,000 $392.40 $98.10
      * The figures above are in Singapore dollars and inclusive of GST.

      ** Each party will be charged a mediation fee for up to 4 hours of mediation. When the mediation extends beyond the 4 hours, each party will be charged at the applicable hourly rate as indicated above for each additional hour (or part thereof).

      (For disputes above $60,000)
      A non-refundable filing fee of $272.50 is to be borne by each party, applicable to all mediations administered by the Singapore Mediation Centre.
      Sum in dispute Mediation fees
      Above $60,000 and up to $100,000 $981.00 per party per day
      Above $100,000 and up to $250,000 $1,308.00 per party per day
      Above $250,000 and up to $500,000 $2,997.50 per party per day
      Above $500,000 and up to $1,000,000 $3,542.50 per party per day
      Above $1,000,000 and up to $2,500,000 $4,632.50 per party per day
      Above $2,500,000 and up to $5,000,000 $5,722.50 per party per day
      Above $5,000,000 and up to $10,000,000 $7,030.50 per party per day
      Above $10,000,000 and up to $20,000,000 $8,447.50 per party per day
      Above $20,000,000 and up to $50,000,000 $10,082.50 per party per day
      Above $50,000,000 $12,262.50 per party per day
      * The figures above are in Singapore dollars and inclusive of GST.

      Please note that if parties choose their own mediator(s), the selected mediator(s) may charge his/her commercial rates and the above mediation fee will not be applicable.

      For more information, please refer to the Mediation Procedure rules and fees on the Documents & Forms page:

      Neutral Evaluation

      Alternatively, SMC also offers neutral evaluation where an unbiased third party hears your case either through written briefs and/or oral presentations.

      SMC works with a distinguished panel of neutral evaluators comprising former Supreme Court judges, judicial commissioners and senior counsel with extensive experience and knowledge in deciding legal issues.

      This adjudicatory process, where the neutral evaluator considers the merits of your case, such as technical evaluations or points of law, allows contending parties to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of their case.

      Parties can choose whether to have a binding opinion or not and opt for a documents-only evaluation or an evaluation with hearing(s). Where parties choose to have a binding opinion, neutral evaluation allows parties to have a speedy and cost-effective ruling, avoiding hefty litigation or arbitration bills. The process is entirely private and confidential.

      SMC also works with the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC) to offer a modified Neutral Evaluation Scheme for cases that have been heard by FIDReC. For more details, please contact SMC.


      Parties will have to pay SMC’s administrative fee, which is dependent on the sum of the dispute set out below.

      Sum in dispute Mediation fees
      Up to $500,000 $763.00
      $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,090.00
      $1,000,001 to $5,000,000 $1,635.00
      Above $5,000,000 $2,180.00
      * The figures above are in Singapore dollars and inclusive of GST.

      In addition, they will have to pay the neutral evaluator whose rate may range from $500 – $1,200 per hour depending on their experience. The cost of the neutral evaluation will depend on the total number of hours spent by the neutral evaluator, which in turn is dependent on the nature and complexity of the dispute.

      Other optional expenses include charges for venue and refreshments.

      For more information, please refer to the neutral evaluation rules and fees on the Documents & Forms page:

      To begin a dispute resolution process

      • 1
      • 2

        Download the Mediation Procedure Request for Mediation form here.

      • 3

        Send the completed form to SMC by fax at +65 6333 5085 or email to [email protected]

      • 4

        Payments should be made either via cheque or bank transfer. Cheque to be made payable to “Singapore Mediation Centre”.

      • 2

        Download the Request for Neutral Evaluation form here.

      • 3

        Send the completed form to SMC by fax at +65 6333 5085 or email to [email protected].

      • 4

        Payments should be made either via cheque or bank transfer. Cheque to be made payable to “Singapore Mediation Centre”.

      For more information, please contact SMC at