Domain Names

Nature of dispute

Disagreements over Singapore domain names (‘.sg’) arise when more than one party want to use the same name. Typically, such disputes involve a registrant who has registered a ‘.sg’ domain name and a complainant who has applied to take over ownership and registration of the same domain name.

The Singapore Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy Service (SDRP) caters to instances of registration or the use of domain names in bad faith. Compared to going to court, a SDRP proceeding is a quicker and more affordable way of resolving domain name clashes.

    How we can help

    SDRP proceedings are administered by SMC.

    SDRP can be used if:

    • You wish to end a ‘.sg’ domain name conflict through mediation or an administrative proceeding in line with the SDRP.
    • You wish to challenge the registration of a ‘.sg’ domain name on the grounds given under paragraph 4(a) of the SDRP.
    • A ‘.sg’ domain name registered to another party is identical or confusingly similar to a name, trademark or service mark in which you have rights that are recognised under Singapore law. Further, you believe in good faith that you are entitled — on the grounds stated in paragraph 4(a) of the SDRP — to have the domain name cancelled or transferred to you. This is to protect your rights in the name, trademark or service mark.
    • You prefer a quick, convenient and cheap way of ending a ‘.sg’ domain name battle.

    Parties pay the fees below for the sum payable to the secretariat and the panel as follows:


    Number of domain names included in the complaint Fee
    1 to 5 $2,997.50
    6 to 10 $3,815.00
    11 to 15 $4,632.50
    More than 15 To be decided in consultation with the Secretariat


    Number of domain names included in the complaint Fee
    1 to 5 $5,995.00
    6 to 10 $7,639.00
    11 to 15 $9,265.00
    More than 15 To be decided in consultation with the Secretariat
    * The figures above are in Singapore dollars and inclusive of GST.

    For more information on how the service works, please refer to the SDRP policy and rules on the Documents & Forms page:

    Information on proceedings under SDRP

    In line with paragraph 4(j) of the SDRP, all decisions under it will be published in full on the Internet, except when an administrative panel decides in an exceptional case to edit portions of its decision.

      To begin a dispute resolution process

      • 1
      • 2

        Download the Singapore Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy Service complaint form here.

      • 3

        Send the completed form to the SDRP secretariat by email to [email protected].

      • 4

        Payments should be made either via cheque or bank transfer. Cheque to be made payable to “Singapore Mediation Centre”.

      For more information, please contact SMC at