The Singapore Mediation Centre, alongside the Singapore Computer Society, introduces the Integrated Appropriate Dispute Resolution Framework (INTEGRAF) for managing high-stakes IT contract disputes. INTEGRAF de-escalates conflicts, promotes collaboration, and prevents litigation, ensuring robust business relationships and efficient contract negotiations.
Read on to explore how INTEGRAF can enhance your contract management.
IP Week @ SG 2024, now in its thirteenth edition, stands as the world’s premier Intellectual Property (IP) event. This prestigious gathering convenes IP thought leaders, legal experts, and innovative enterprises from across the globe. The event offers a unique platform for sharing insights, exploring the latest developments in IP, and fostering valuable professional connections. Hosted at the iconic Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre, participants will engage in a series of enlightening sessions, discussions, and networking opportunities designed to advance the understanding and application of intellectual property in today’s dynamic landscape.
Title of Event: IP Week @ SG 2024 Date: 27-28 August 2024 Format: Physical Location: Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre (MBS), Singapore
Mediating Community Disputes: Challenges,StrategiesandRewards
The Society of Mediation Professionals invites you to an online panel discussion with ExecutiveMasterMediatorMrStephenPohandMasterMediatorMsKatherineYapon their work with the Singapore Community Mediation Centre.
Joinour community mediationexperts tohear about their experiences, learnabout innovative approaches and explore the transformative power of dialogue and collaboration.
Be inspired by an engaging conversation that celebrates the vital role of community mediation in creating a more peaceful and connected society!
CommunityMediationCentreswerefirstsetupinSingaporein1998withthemissionof developing a “more harmonious, civil and gracious community, where social conflicts can beresolvedamicably”inkeepingwithourAsiantraditionsandculture.Aquarterofa centuryon,wejoinsomeofthededicatedmediatorsinourmidstwhoserveinthese centrestofindoutwhatmotivatesthemtocontributetheirtimeandefforttothiscause, aswellassomeofthechallengestheyfaceandthestrategiestheyemploytohelp disputants.Whetheryou’reacommunityleader,mediator,orjustpassionateabout conflict resolution, this discussion offers invaluable insights and strategies to foster harmonyand understandingbetweendiversecommunities.
Friday 31st May 2024, 6.30pm to 7.30pm
Online @ ZOOM
(Log-in details to be provided to those who sign up)
Approx. 1 Hour
SMPMembers:S$10 Non-SMP Members: S$20
In order to avoid disappointment, please register now. We apologise in advance if we are unabletoaccommodateyou.
Pleasealsonotethatthiseventmightbe recorded.Byattendingtheevent,youconsentto photographs and/or videos taken being taken which may be used by SMP for its website and relatedplatforms (including newsletters, emails or socialmedia sites).
Acareerfinancialsectorprofessional,Stephen‘recycled’himself, emergingasapartoftheADRindustry,focusingonmediation.In the last 26 years Stephen has been volunteering as a mediator with theMinistryofLaw’sCommunityMediationCentreUnitand concurrently is its designated mediator at the Community Disputes Resolution Tribunals (CDRT).
He is also a volunteer with the Community Justice Centre as a FRENS
(Friend Engaging and Support Scheme), and FLiP (Friend of Litigant in Person). As a FRENS and a FLiP and in
other CJC’s activities, volunteers generally provide court users emotional and practical
guidance. In most instances mediation skills help to better facilitate court processes.
Additionally, Stephen is a designated Ministry of Manpower (MOM) mediator under the auspice of the Foreign Domestic Worker Association for Social Support and Training (FAST). He is currently a mediator withA MediationCompany where activities revolvearound workplace and business disputes. He is also a consultant with a disposable medical product manufacturerandaMedicalConcierge.
Katherine Yap is a leading figureinthe establishment andgrowthof Maxwell Chambers inSingapore. Withover 15yearsof experience, shehasbeeninstrumentalindrivingsalesgrowth,leading transformation,andadvocatinginnovationinthealternativedispute resolution(ADR)arena.
KatherineplayedakeyroleintheexpansionofMaxwellChambers with the establishment of Maxwell Chambers Suites and co-founding oftheInternationalArbitrationCentreAlliance(IACA).
She is certified as an Associate Mediator at the Singapore Mediation CentreandMasterMediatorfortheCommunityMediationCentre and Mediator for the Singapore International MediationInstitute.SheisalsoonthePanelofMediatorswithBeihaiAsiaInternational ArbitrationCentreandExecutiveCommitteeoftheSocietyofMediationProfessionals (Singapore). She has over 10 years of experience in mediation and actively presides over mediationcaseswiththeCMC.
Kit-Wye is an Associate Professor at the Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University where she teaches business law, negotiation and dispute resolution to both the undergraduates and post-graduate students.
She is on the Singapore International Mediation Centre’s panel of International Mediators, a Principal Mediator with the Singapore MediationCentre,anaccreditedmediatoronthe Panel of Mediators with the State Courts Centre for Dispute Resolution, a SIMI Certified Mediator and an IMI Certified Mediator.
Singapore Mediation Centre and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) forge partnership with new MoU to enhance collaboration and mutual learning
Mr. Kevin Kwek, Chief Executive of Singapore Mediation Centre and Mr. Wang Shanhua, Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) at the MOU signing ceremony.
Singapore Mediation Centre and China Council for the Promotion Of International Trade (CCPIT) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 20 May 2024 to foster a closer working relationship and deeper understanding between our organisations. We look forward to collaborating on future endeavours and learning from each other. View the gallery here.