We charge an administrative fee for SMC’s neutral evaluation services depending on the sum of claim or counterclaim in dispute:
Sum in dispute Fees Up to $500,000 $763.00 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,090.00 $1,000,001 to $5,000,000 $1,635.00 Above $5,000,000 $2,180.00 * The figures above are in Singapore dollars and inclusive of GST. In addition, each neutral evaluator charges an hourly rate for his/her service which includes conducting the preliminary conference, reading and evaluating materials submitted, hearing and evaluating parties’ oral submissions, conducting site visits and undertaking any other work as is reasonably required to provide an opinion. Their professional fees are payable through SMC.
Additional charges are applicable for room rental, lunch and refreshments, and staff overtime pay:
Description Charges Room rental in the Supreme Court To be advised by SMC depending on room used Lunch and refreshments $38.15 to $43.60 per person per day (to be advised by SMC) Staff overtime
(payable where the matter proceeds beyond 6.00pm)$43.60 per hour * The figures above are in Singapore Dollars and inclusive of GST.
For more information on the fees for neutral evaluation, please click here
For application forms, rules and other documents on neutral evaluation, please click here.
* For fees applicable to neutral evaluation, click here.