IP Mediation Certification Programme (IPMC) – Registration closed

IP Mediation Certification (IPMC) programme is a joint effort between SMC and Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS). IPMC is open to all SMC Accredited Mediators.

This 1-day certification programme is designed to enhance a mediator’s skills in mediating IP disputes. This programme covers the basics of IP law, as well as issues and practical pointers in IP mediation. Participants will learn how to identify issues when facilitating an amicable outcome and drafting a settlement agreement that involves IP. This is a highly interactive training programme with exercises and a role play. Anyone who is interested in acquiring IP mediation skills, including lawyers as well as C-suite executives, professionals, managers and other executives who want to advance their professional skills, should attend this training.

To be accredited as an SMC Certified IP Mediator, you must obtain a pass in the IP Mediation Certification Assessment. Please note that the standard expected of the certification is high. Please also note that you will not, however, be placed on SMC’s Certified IP Mediator Panel* nor be assigned cases by SMC**.

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

1. Explain the basic principles of IP law
2. Describe features of IP disputes which make them suitable for mediation
3. Apply the basic principles of IP law to identify settlement options during mediation of IP disputes
4. Identify parties’ interests underlying their positions in the IP dispute
5. Evaluate the dispute in order to reality-test parties’ best and worst alternative to a negotiated agreement
6. Apply the basic principles of IP law in crafting valid settlement terms 

Please click here for more information.

*Those who passed the IP Mediation Certification Assessment and wish to be on SMC’s IP Mediator Panel will need to sign up and clear the requirement to be on SMC’s Panel of Mediators as follows i. obtain a distinction in SMC’s Mediation Skills Assessment (MSA) and ii. clear the interview stage.
**Those already on SMC’s Panel of Mediators will automatically be empanelled on SMC’s IP Mediator Panel upon passing the IP Mediation Certification Assessment. SMC does not guarantee assignment of cases.