
Customised Training Programmes

We offer customisable training programmes for companies and organisations that seek to equip their staff in the art of mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution. We tailor the content of our training to meet your goals, whether it is to learn how to manage conflicts within the organisation or with external parties, or build stronger teams through effective communication and managing conflicts constructively.

Our clients come from diverse backgrounds, including government organisations, tertiary institutions, professional and trade associations, and business organisations in Singapore and abroad. We have many repeat clients who appreciate the value of training their staff in conflict resolution skills.

SMC has conducted extensive training outside Singapore. We have conducted training programmes in ASEAN countries, in other parts of Asia, the Middle East, the South Pacific region and in Europe.


We also conduct training programmes for trainers to equip them with the necessary skills to run their companies’ internal programmes on mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution effectively.


For more information, please contact:
Training Department
Tel: +65 6335 5036 / +65 6232 1414 
Fax: +65 6333 5085
Email: [email protected]